Six things which makes a man fall out of love


1.Mind games : Men hate mind games and unnecessary emotional drama. We deal with too many manipulative situations in real world. We don’t want the same from our lovers. Some times tantrums and a bit girly behavior is cute, but all the times, it kinda suck. Girls use various tactics to keep men at their feet by employing the following tactics


Disallowing physical love or withholding sex as a soft (cruel) punishment. I have heard a female friend of mine confessing to me that ‘to teach him a lesson’, I will be nice to him,fulfill his every desire but with hold sex or physical touch!

b. The silent treatment which is nothing but a combination of emotional  and psychological toture.

c. Stressing the man out by taking time that longer than necessary for every thing like a date or accepting your proposals by creating a false time lag, which is often done get more power in the relationship.

d. Purposely not initiating everything  the relationship including  little things like text messages, calls etc under the pretense of being different or just weird

e. Being playful or flirty with other males on purpose so as to make their man appreciate them more.

f. Starting unnecessary quarrel over minor issues like, why did he waved at another girl or something like that and using such a situation to gain control over the man

g. The mistake of addressing her male as ‘just a good friend’ and the man's female friends as ‘that bitch’!

2 .Not been open with expression of love and expecting the man to understand your body language and the romantic vibes she may be sending out. Men are dry lovers but becomes very expressive of their love once they fall in love. Shyness is okay but you have to open up. Men are not masters in decoding body language and subtle clues. We need love and we want you to say it openly.

3. Flakiness : One thing that I am yet to understand  is the why Women often seem to derive some koy in being  to dates and appointments. However you have them keeping to time when they are on a professional assignment. This may seem a trivial issue but takes a toll on relationships in long run.

4. Argumentative over petty issues : Men are not like women.We do not internalize every line said by every one. Women in particular get very touchy, specially with their love interest and starts to dissect each and every word, every gesture and everything else combined! In the process they tend to become too bossy and dominating. This goes against natural instincts of men. Be cool and do not always nag over unimportant issues. Love must be freedom and not a rope around your neck.

5. Too much show off : Men hate unnecessary show off and that Aww… over everything. We are not that fake and pretending (and can’t be). Our best friend is always BC to us and not sweetieee,cutieee and bestieee! We do not always like too much show off specially on social media. Love is a private affair for most of us.

6. Control Freak: Make no mistake, no man will be happy in a relationship where the partner is a control freak. Giving him advice is good once in a  while but when it becomes a regular occurrence and most importantly when it goes with famous "can't you do it for me". Men want only love and no no baggage along with it. Its good that you think about us and gently remind us to change ourselves and we do comply, but not all the time baby.


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