10 Things Men Love in Women Pt-2

 1. Femininity - I understand that you need to  to survive in the modern jungle of our society. However being overly too "strong" will hamper your chances of attracting the attention of the male folks.

This is not the issue of birds of same same feathers flocking, rather it's an attraction between opposites. Men are generally made to be stoic and strong, a soft effeminate woman who knows her swag will always get heads turning towards her because of her feminine appeal.

2. Ability To Trigger The Hero Instinct In A Man - always making men around you feel like a "hero" will win them over. You can achieve this by simply appreciating little things that he did for you and calling him sweet names that make his head swell.

3. A Sense Of Humor - no body wants to be around someone who is always serious whether it's a man or a woman. A sense of humor and the ability to make a man lighten up from his day-to-day work and  laugh is good

4. Confidence - contrary to the idea that the pushes, men prefers confident women to docile women.

5. Be Adventure Ready - don't be someone who always stuck to her shell. Rather be eager and ready to spice up life by trying out new things and have fun.

6. A cheerful beautiful smile have always gotten a man's attention better than long eye lashes and thicl lip glosses.

7. Be Caring - it's true that you are not his mother but you must tell understand being "caring" is one of the natural instinct of a woman.

You can achieve this by showing genuine concerns about his his affairs and by simply playing a sisterly role to him.

8. Be Playful And Have Fun  - no body loves being around someone  who is always serious, just I'd stated above.

9. Being a good listener - don't be tempted to always to have things centered only around you.

10. Be Intelligent - talking because of the sake of talking is push men away from you instead you should talk aynd present your logic intelligently


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