
Showing posts with the label How to get a man

What Men Want in Relationships - What Men Mean What They Ask What You Are Bringing To The Table

Many a time many women have often assumed that they know what men what in a relationship that most often when the question of what they are going to bring to the table is asked them. they quickly that they have all the answers since they earn a decent income and s quite good looking without even knowing that they understand the question in the first instance. Please we progress further, its important that you know that men do not care about the many degrees you have in your name or the weight of your paycheque. Rather they are more interested in you being there for him to encourage and cheer him up. This is why it is wrong for any woman to respond that she will be bringing her many degrees or worst still your money to the table because he did not ask you out because of financial security but someone that will give him a listening ear. Someone that will be there for him to nurture his many wounds from the battles. This is often when you have most eligible high-value men by-passing most...

7 Proven Ways to Make a Man Commit (Even If He’s Already Said No)

#1 Be Decisive and Strong Sure, biologically guys are programmed to be in control. But this doesn’t mean you should become his lap dog. Or that you rely on him to make  every single  decision. If he has to decide everything for you from where to eat to what to do next Saturday night, he’ll become super bored, or worse, annoyed very quickly. He chose to be with you because of who you are.  Keep being that strong, independent woman and watch as it draws him in deeper! #2. Keep Living YOUR Life Early on, it can be hard to resist spending every waking moment with your lover. But resist you must! Because even though he says he wants to be around you non-stop and do every little thing together,  your man will miss and crave you  more when you’re not around. Two powerful ingredients when it comes to commitment. You had your own exciting, adventurous life before he came along. Don’t stop living it just because now he’s in your life. Go grab a cock...

Five Ways To Make A Fall In Love With You Over And Over Again


What Men Want - The Basic Thing Men Want In A Relationship

I have always said that men love good sex and just like the lead character in Charles Hawkins' Oliver Twist "Oliver", they will keep on coming back for more and more. However it will be a grave mistake on your part if all you can offer is good sex. In fact the basic thing that men in any relationship is not necessarily sex but to be respected. He wants a woman that he will be her king and who will treat as such. You should understand that men want to be respected as a man in all situations. So endeavor to always treat asking which he rightly is. I know that there are some moments when you might get mad at him and will like letting have a heat of your anger. Your anger is well understood, my dear, but the way you do it can doom or bliss for your relationship.

3 Key Mistakes Women Make With Men That They Later Regret

Many a time I see women complain of men being so hard to please and/or satisfy which have resulted in relationships breaking up. The truth remains that any woman who wants a blissful relationship with a man must first and foremost forget about the battle of the sexes and who eventually comes out as the winner and invest herself in understanding men, what makes them unique and different. Understanding that men are different from women in many aspects us paramount to a blissful relationship. Expecting otherwise or that the man fit into a certain romantic or gentleman mold that you have cast in your mind is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen. Here are a few key areas that you should have in mind, to avoid making the mistake of pushing him away f yourself: Reasoning/Thinking : Although a man and a woman of equal educational background are most likely to come to the same conclusion in a reasoning project. However, men to reason and/or see things logically, put in another w...