7 Proven Ways to Make a Man Commit (Even If He’s Already Said No)

  • #1 Be Decisive and Strong

Sure, biologically guys are programmed to be in control. But this doesn’t mean you should become his lap dog. Or that you rely on him to make every single decision.
If he has to decide everything for you from where to eat to what to do next Saturday night, he’ll become super bored, or worse, annoyed very quickly.
He chose to be with you because of who you are. Keep being that strong, independent woman and watch as it draws him in deeper!
  • #2. Keep Living YOUR Life

Early on, it can be hard to resist spending every waking moment with your lover. But resist you must!
Because even though he says he wants to be around you non-stop and do every little thing together, your man will miss and crave you more when you’re not around. Two powerful ingredients when it comes to commitment.
You had your own exciting, adventurous life before he came along. Don’t stop living it just because now he’s in your life.
Go grab a cocktail with the girls, take yoga three times a week or getaway over the weekend – he’ll be begging to be with you when you get back.
  • #3Be Open to Sex

getting a man to commit
It may come as a surprise, but men often get the feeling that their woman is withholding or selfish with sex.
This isn’t a major deal. So, don’t fret. It’s usually just that you have different sex drives – something that’s totally common.
Despite all the machoness, guys need a little TLC to get them to commit deeply too you. So, be open to exploring his desires and sexual needs. Give him the physical attention he craves. And watch how his heart becomes yours.
  • #4. Support Him

We all have dreams. But guys in particular are big dreamers. Whether your man is trying to start a business, going back to college, or becoming an EDM DJ, show some support for his dreams.
Even if they seem totally unrealistic, shattering his dreams by putting them down is a sure-fire way he’ll choose them over you.
Having you in his corner supporting him every step of the way is one of the deepest ways the two of you will connect. It’s a building block of real long-term commitment. It shows you’ll be by his side along the journey – a big psychological boost.
  • #5. Show Gratitude

As you settle into life as a couple, it’s easy to forget the little things like saying “thank you”. But you’d be surprised how much this little show of appreciation does for commitment.
Take a moment to say a small thank you, whether it’s for cleaning up, picking up something from the store, or pulling your chair out for you.
It might not be obvious, but this small gesture has big impact on your lover. And you’ll quickly see he’ll start reciprocating, strengthening the commitment between you.
  • #6. Trust in Him

The temptation is nearly always there — especially early on — to act like a private investigator, checking in on his whereabouts, asking who he’s texting and calling. But acting like this just shows a complete lack of trust.
If your man feels like he’s having his every move watched and questioned like he’s under surveillance, you’ll never build a strong bond. To truly be in a happy, committed relationship, it’s vital you show your man you trust him.
Of course, if he does something that betrays your trust, call him out. Or ditch him, if you have to. But until then, trust in him. Because the only way a relationship can last is if it’s built on mutual love and trust.
  • #7. Be Fun

getting a man to commit
Laughter is one of the most potent love elixirs. Just joking and laughing with your man can bring you so much closer together. And it’ll make him long to be around you because of the endorphins you release in his brain.
So, whenever you’re together, put all the serious stuff to one side. Laugh and joke around. Fool around, wrestle, tease him and ruffle his hair. Show him your playful side and he’ll show you his.
Our lives are stressful enough. Being fun to be around breaks down his stress, shows his vulnerability and brings down his emotional barriers. It reveals his true side and brings you closer together as a lover and a friend.

Make Him Commit To You Today…

Healthy relationships are all about commitment. And while guys often do their best to avoid it, deep down you now know they long for commitment just as much as you.
So, now you know how the male mind works, start putting these seven simple strategies into action with your lover.
It might take a little work, but the levels of commitment it brings will build the amazing, devoted relationship every woman dreams about.



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