3 Key Mistakes Women Make With Men That They Later Regret

Many a time I see women complain of men being so hard to please and/or satisfy which have resulted in relationships breaking up. The truth remains that any woman who wants a blissful relationship with a man must first and foremost forget about the battle of the sexes and who eventually comes out as the winner and invest herself in understanding men, what makes them unique and different.

Understanding that men are different from women in many aspects us paramount to a blissful relationship. Expecting otherwise or that the man fit into a certain romantic or gentleman mold that you have cast in your mind is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen.

Here are a few key areas that you should have in mind, to avoid making the mistake of pushing him away f yourself:

Reasoning/Thinking: Although a man and a woman of equal educational background are most likely to come to the same conclusion in a reasoning project. However, men to reason and/or see things logically, put in another way, action, and consequences. While women on part reason and/or see things emotionally, put in another way merit and demerits.

This reasoning and/or thinking differently is the chief cause of problems in many relationships, these days. For example, a man may find it hard to understand why he has to ask a friend or a colleague of his whom had been with him in the car to move from the front seat to the back so that his woman whom they went to pick up from work will take the front seat but a woman will most likely see such as neglect and/or denial of her position and will expect the man to ask his friend to give the front seat for her.

Sex: There is no doubt that men love good sex and just like Oliver Twist,  they keep on coming back for more. The question here is, is sex alone enough to keep a man in a relationship? The answer is nothing but a big fat NO!

Let me explain.

It’s not a hidden fact that both men and women love good sex. However, while a woman tends to see sex as the giving of self in love to a beloved one and is more often likely to get hooked to a sex giver. A man sees sex rather as a release of sexual tension that has built up over time. You may be surprised to get to know that he has left and moved or that he is planning on moving on once the deed is done. This is because you have nothing more to offer except build up sexual tension as well as provide its release through sexual intercourse(forgive me, if I sound too harsh).

Romance: While both men and women will give up anything for a romantic partner. A man tends to see being romantic as being there for the woman; financially and otherwise but for the woman it is more of being there physically, caring for her emotionally, financially, etc.

Most women make the mistake of wanting their man to be everything for them even to the point of being their shadow. This is a very big mistake that has cost many women the man of their lives because they don’t a man for who he is provided he loves and cherishes them for they are, instead they want a knight in shining armor and as a consequence, they end up with heart-breaks and regrets.


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