What Men Want - Men Want Peace And Stability Not Just Sex

I have always said that men love a good sex and that just like the lead  character in Charles Hawkins’s Oliver Twist “Oliver”, they will keep coming back for more. However you must know that  it takes more than just a good sex to keep him committed to a relationship with you even if you guys are married.

It’s true that he may easily get excited sexually when you do some normal stuffs, just like a child who saw a  pack of candies in it’s mother’s hands but the fact remains that if you only stop at that alone, you are most likely to lose him soon to another who has something more to offer.

You need to give him more and stability than everything and you are assured that he will perpetually be committed to you. If you’re in a position to support him financially or otherwise in the pursuit of his dreams, please do. But you have sure he’s at peace and that he doesn’t endangered or trapped because of the help you had given him.

His love and affection should never be seen as one that you have bought over because of what did for him. Instead what you did for him should always be seen as the support a queen gave to her king.  Take and treat him as such and consequently you forever be revered as his queen.


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