Facts About Men - 6 Ways Men Are Different From Women

1. SUCCESS - Both men and women want it all. The difference being that women want a balance in life and is most likely to reject a job offer that doesn't offer that. Men on their part want status and status symbols like houses, cars etc. 2. Emotion - Both men and women feel love but they express it differently. A woman easily talks and shares about her feelings of love, hate and anger but for a man, it's a different story. He rarely talks about it the way a woman does, as a result of the societal standard that expect a man to be "strong". 3. Conflicts - They react and manage conflicts differently. A bad day for a woman is most likely going to end in tears and she relapses in the mode of apportioning blames to who did this and that. A man is most likely to into some outburst after which you will get him shutting out the situation. You may even find him removing himself from the scene. 4. Friendship - A man is likely to have fewer friends when compared to women. ...