8 Big Mistakes Women Make With Men That Push Men Away

 1. Trying To Settle Down Too Early:

There's this temptation to start planning for marriage in your mind when you meet you meet a good man, finally. Be warned! Such a move can scare the man away because he is most likely to see you as to too desperate and that your sole aim is to trap him into marriage.

2. Comparing Him To Other Men

It's hard to resist the temptation of desiring that he treats you like Mr A or Mr B treats his woman that start wondering why you your man doesn't measure to the way the other does. Please understand that every person is unique in his or her own ways and appreciate him for whom he is.

Wanting him to be like that other man  is a quick way to kill off whatever you guys and to push him away.

3. Not Giving Him Enough Space — 

Believe it or not the fact remains that men love their space. Anything other than that, makes them feel like they are being held in captivity

Once in a while he may want  to hangout with friends or even be alone by  himself. Don't fail to give him, his needed space or make a habit to invade his privacy by reading him texts and monitoring him with spywares because you push him by doing so

4. Faking, Just To Get Him And Then Showing Your  Real Self - 

Many women tend to speak softly , easily complements men over any little thing. They dress sexy and carry themselves elegantly when they are dating but the story changes as soon as they get married to the man, she becomes a quarrelsome fellow, fights over very small issues.

They become so controlling that virtually everything  must be done  according to their terms else they won't be peace.Their once adorable behavior of speaking in soft tones and having shy smiles is replaced by frowns and shrill tones.

5. Keeping Old Smelly Wigs— 

Yes dear, change that hair when it's old. If you have no money for the salon, keep it nice in its natural state.

6. Refusal to move on — it's well known that women don't forget wrongs done to them very easily. However , it's not also advisable to dwell on an issue that you have already addressed with your man.

7. Having a condescending attitude towards their man — 

There's nothing in this world  that puts a man than when you make feel little by talking him in disrespectful  way publicly even if you're are more educated than him and you bear most bills in the house.

8. Baseless suspicion — this is when you assume that your man is doing wrong or even cheating based on your own personal insecurities. Not all men cheat. What you are supposed to do is to let him be and enjoy your marriage.


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