10 Simple Things Men Want In A Woman
It's a known fact that very little or absolutely no information exist on what
men want in a relationship and how to understand the male folks.
Which has given
rise to many assumptions and other wrong ideas about men among the women folks
that they tend to see the males as a mistake in creation.
Consequentlynsequently, many of
enter into relationship wrongly and with a wrong idea of men.
The resultant is
claring when you look at the ra of divorce and break-up
So what do men really
want in a woman?
You may be surprised if I tell you that whatmen are very
simple, too simple that they are often neglected.
Here are :
1.Feminine Lady
Ability to trigger the hero instinct in their man
3. Sense of humor and
4. Self confidence
5. Open to adventures
6. Wearing a smile
7. Being Caring
8. Being playful
9.Having a listening ear
10. Intelligence and
NB: Watch for part 2 in 48 hours where I shall provide details about
the above mentioned
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