
Facts About Men - 10 Things Women Don't Know About Men

It's quite surprising to discover that quite a majority of women don't really know about men as a result of which they make the mistake of either seeing the as a genetically malfunction and consequently make effort to change him to suit her sissy fancy which is nothing but an invitation to hearth break and disaster.

How To Get A Man - How You Can Attract A Man Attention Anytime Pt. 1

Although there is no seemingly girlish magic wand which u cannot control a man's feelings towards you with.  There are some things within your control that you can use to get his attention and to show him how special you are. This may seem as pretending but the hard truth is that you can get a man to start loving you by being sincere, positive, and energetic whenever you are around a man. PRESENT A POSITIVE IMPRESSION OF YOURSELF :  You should endeavor to present a positive impression about yourself by putting time and energy into your physical appearance.  You will be more confident in everything you do when you’re healthy and strong and consequently attractive. • You should stay active with constant exercise. Instead of skipping your schedule to spend time with him; invite him over to join in your sessions •You should ensure that your hair is neat and styled properly. Also don’t neglect your personal hygiene  •Make sure that you develop the habit of having a

What Men Want - 6 Things All Women should know about Men

1. Men are not women I know that this sounds so freaking stupid to even have to say this (are you totally rolling your eyes rn?) but men are not women. They think differently and act differently. Their motivations behind the things that they do are not what you think. The main problem comes in when women expect men to behave/think/act as a woman would. One quick example of this is how women like to talk a lot and this is the main way we bond. This is not how men bond. Men bond with others by doing activities with them. Talking is not really required. So if you're expecting to bond with your man by talking (because that's how you bond with other women), it's going to backfire. Now, of course, you're going to need to actually communicate with any man that you're in a relationship with. But less is more. Save your long-winded, deep philosophical conversations for the females in your life. 2. Men are not great at multitasking. Men are genetically hardwired to

What Men Want - 8 Things Men Want In A Relationship That Gets Them To Commit To You Alone(pt 1)

Visit any relationship platform either online or offline and you will be overwhelmed with lots and lots of articles and  what women want in a relationship and tips and how to give it.  The surprising thing here is that there's little or absolutely no space giving to the male folks to express themselves in matters of relationship.  Which I believe is the reason behind a lot of relationship nightmares many ladies are having because most of them know little or nothing about men   1. To feel like your hero We don’t want to be your Clark Kent. We want to be your Superman. We want you to see us as leaping tall buildings in a single bound and catching bullets. Not pushing a mail cart and asking you if we can buy sugar cereal < — true story when I was a boy and married. We want to carry you in our arms and show you the world. Or at least feel that way. And I know it’s our job to get there, not yours. But nothing gives us more strength than a woman who creates a spac

How To Approach A Man Who You Think Likes You

By: Ashlynn G Aris What's going on there? Why do you like the shy guy in the first place? As you probably know, way too many women in our society are going the wrong way when it comes to attracting good men. They find bad ones easily, but never a good man. This may have happened to you too. And unless you see something really special in your shy guy so that you feel he's like a diamond in the rough, it's not entirely recommended you pursue him. A shy guy can really be a good guy in disguise, or is social shyness could be a sign of more issues hidden in the dark, and that's bad and you don't want that. Have you ever tried to summon the courage and talk to a big man, and just immediately feel like he put up a stone wall all the suddenly and hits you with silence? Like why is he so cold? Why do men sometimes suddenly hit us with silence for no reason? It's mean and scary that way. It's like, passive aggressive. Ladies, if your shy guy is like this

Don't Run Him Off - Common Mistakes Women Make With Men

By: Tina L. Jones Did you know that there are common mistakes women make that can run men off? Are you afraid of pushing your guy away? Do you want to strengthen your relationship without putting pressure on him to commit?  If you are ready to take your relationship to the next level, but you don't know how to do it without running him off, then read the following article which will help you avoid the common mistakes women make with men. To begin with, you will need to change yourself before you even attempt to change him. You might not even be able to change him at all, so changing your own outlook and ideas could be the best that you can do. Men need space. One of the most common mistakes women make when it comes to men is crowding them. Men like their alone time and sometimes they don't feel like talking. If you ask your man what's bothering him and he says nothing, leave it alone. Oftentimes, women will mistake this as meaning that their man has a problem

7 Proven Ways to Make a Man Commit (Even If He’s Already Said No)

#1 Be Decisive and Strong Sure, biologically guys are programmed to be in control. But this doesn’t mean you should become his lap dog. Or that you rely on him to make  every single  decision. If he has to decide everything for you from where to eat to what to do next Saturday night, he’ll become super bored, or worse, annoyed very quickly. He chose to be with you because of who you are.  Keep being that strong, independent woman and watch as it draws him in deeper! #2. Keep Living YOUR Life Early on, it can be hard to resist spending every waking moment with your lover. But resist you must! Because even though he says he wants to be around you non-stop and do every little thing together,  your man will miss and crave you  more when you’re not around. Two powerful ingredients when it comes to commitment. You had your own exciting, adventurous life before he came along. Don’t stop living it just because now he’s in your life. Go grab a cocktail with the girls, tak