What Men Want - 8 Things Men Want In A Relationship That Gets Them To Commit To You Alone(pt 1)

Visit any relationship platform either online or offline and you will be overwhelmed with lots and lots of articles and what women want in a relationship and tips and how to give it. The surprising thing here is that there's little or absolutely no space giving to the male folks to express themselves in matters of relationship. Which I believe is the reason behind a lot of relationship nightmares many ladies are having because most of them know little or nothing about men 1. To feel like your hero We don’t want to be your Clark Kent. We want to be your Superman. We want you to see us as leaping tall buildings in a single bound and catching bullets. Not pushing a mail cart and asking you if we can buy sugar cereal < — true story when I was a boy and married. We want to carry you in our arms and show you the world. Or at least feel that way. And I know it’s our job to get there, not yours. But nothing gives us more strength than a woman who...