7 Key Things Men Want In A Relationship That Most Women Don't Know

I agree that every woman out there must not be Cardi B or Angelina Jollie to attract and keep men’s attention. All that is needed is an understanding of men; what they want out of the relationship and then doing your best towards being that woman while still being yourself

How to make a guy want you
Let’s tell ourselves the truth a greater majority of women go about attracting the man that may be caught their fancy, the wrong way. 

Men may be attracted to good looks but a disrespectful, loud-mouthed woman is a big NO! NO! for most men. So don’t think it’s all about your looks, degrees, or career. Men go into serious relationships not because he wants to catch fun but to have peace and stability

I am assuming that you are on a quest for a serious relationship as a result of which you are reading this now. Be assured that you won’t be disappointed here.
Here are the key issues you should take reconsider so that you will be able to attract the kind of men you want in your life.

1. Confidence -  The idea that men don’t like an independent woman is nothing but a big fat lie. It’s undeniable that valuable men are not attracted to women who can’t make their decision.

A confident woman with a feminine swag[energy] who knows what she wants out of life gets men’s attention easily. This is usually behind the reason why men drop their jaws when they see a woman walking confidently down the street – she is flaunting her feminine appeal and confidence. 

2 Be Respectful - Yes men will kill to be with a woman of confidence but be reminded that confidence and arrogance are two different things. Being respectful should never be construed as ass-licking or becoming a doormat for any man as feminist apologists would have most women believe.

The saying that respect is reciprocal comes to play here because a man who is not worthy of your respect is most likely, not to return any to you   
3 Be Co-operative -  You should never let your diva energy take charge of how the relationship goes. Rather learn to co-operate or work in harmony with him to make your dreams become a reality. Encourage not by words but your action, to confide in you. He should draw strength and hope from you.

4 Be Open To Him - Relationship is about to give and take. So you should not expect him to open up to you if you are not open to him If you can’t open up to him, and then you won’t be able to develop a connection.
But, that means one of you will have to make the first move in opening up. It can be scary, but if you feel that you can trust him as a person, you should share something personal about yourself.

5 Relate To Him - People like being around those who understand them. So this case isn’t any different. Now, don’t go crazy with this, but find out some things that he’s interested in and get a conversation going about one of these topics.
But, the trick is, you should actually be interested in the topic or else it’ll show that you’re bored talking about vintage cars or hockey. However, once you found a topic, you’ll have something to discuss and he’ll see that you have a common interest.

6. Reduce the drama - Listen, men are dramatic. They’re worse than women, at least I think so. But, one thing I know is that they don’t like listening to female gossip. If a guy doesn’t like another guy, he makes it clear.
But we women aren’t that upfront with our emotions, thus, it turns into gossip. So, instead of telling him your daily gossip news, call your best friend and unleash it onto them. It’s better that way, especially if you’re unable to not spread gossip.
The bottom line is: don’t gossip because it makes you look like an asshole. 

7. Work your feminine side - Contrary to the popular narrative Being feminine isn’t a negative trait. People always think it means that the woman is fragile and weak, but that isn’t what femininity is. You can wear a dress and makeup and still be a strong woman.
It’s okay to tap into your feminine side and sit with your legs closed or chew with your mouth shut. These things don’t make you a weak woman. So, throw out those misconceptions and if you feel like showing your feminine side, then show it. Plus, men appreciate a woman who is strong and can still look like a woman.


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