Feminist Hypocrisies - the world modern women fought for and the one they want

1. They want to be queen in kingless kingdom

2. They want to be treated equally as men only it favor them but are quick to complain on not being treated right when it doesn't favor them

3. They want fairness in our competitive world but won't complain when they get a FREE PASS at nightclubs and men don't.

4. The don't complain of unfairness and double when companies are compelled to give a certain employment quota solely to women and men none.

5. They are FREE to change their minds and walk out of a relationship without repercussions but a man don't. A visit to the courts will attest to that.

6. It's right for them to seen and taken as a gift but a No! No No! when a man wants to be treated as such.

7. They want an end to "gender roles" but talk of asking a man out, "no that's his job".

8. They want equality and fairness but won't complain when women and children are given priority over men in emergencies.

9. A man who doesn't send child support is automatically a "dead beat dad" but a woman lost custody of the kids to their dad and doesn't send  child support, "it's her choice"

10. It's heroic when women's group speak out against discrimination but when men's group speak out against discrimination, they are women haters.

11. Are quick to complain about being sexually objectified wears low cut blouses, push up bras, short skirts and high heels every time she goes out

12. Won't mind literally going naked to get the attention of a man they desire, but you are not the one, you are pervert and molester for looking at them or complimenting their sex appeal.

13. They are strong independent women who can survive without a man but should you or they decides that it's over with the relationship, they will sue you for alimony and spousal support

14. Insulting and bashing men is ok but it's sexiest when you try same on women.

15. Can assault a man publicly and the man will be blamed for having made her angry but a man wouldn't dare no minding the provocation


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