
What Men Want In A Relationship.

  The End of the Traditional "I Do" The traditional, gender-essentialist vows that couples use for their wedding ceremonies are no longer relevant in a society of equality. The “I do” has been a part of marriage ceremonies for centuries. However, the traditional “I do” is not relevant anymore in a society where we live in an atmosphere of equality. Today, people can get married without making any promises and still get legally recognized as spouses. We think it is time to explore other possibilities for the ceremonial “I do” to better represent what marriage means today. Men's Dating Expectations: What They Really Want from a Woman  Men have always desired a woman who can be their partner and friend. They look for someone who is confident, intelligent, and interesting. Men tend to want someone who is equally as interested in them as they are in the woman. What Men Want in a Relationship ? It is not easy to be a man in the 21st century. Men have always wanted to feel neede...

How To Make A Man Chase You Sincerely

  Have your heart fallen for a gu as a woman and you are at a loss how to get his attention without being desperate? You prefer that that man chase you, right? Well, a Lady friend is currently experiencing the same issue when she opened up to me a few days ago. She told me of how her heart has fallen for a guy but being the traditional type she won't be one to make the first move. This being because of the fact that it's most likely to make her seem desperate and cheap. So, I sat her down and explained to her how men are different from women, what men want in a woman, and most importantly how to trigger a man's interest and how to make him chase you sincerely So today we are going to talk about some fun ways to trigger and keep a man's interest and get him to start chasing you with the best intentions. The most important of them being your feminine energy i.e femininity which contrary to the rhetorics of modern feminists is not a weakness but a strength. Make sure that ...

What Men Want in Relationships - What Men Mean What They Ask What You Are Bringing To The Table

Many a time many women have often assumed that they know what men what in a relationship that most often when the question of what they are going to bring to the table is asked them. they quickly that they have all the answers since they earn a decent income and s quite good looking without even knowing that they understand the question in the first instance. Please we progress further, its important that you know that men do not care about the many degrees you have in your name or the weight of your paycheque. Rather they are more interested in you being there for him to encourage and cheer him up. This is why it is wrong for any woman to respond that she will be bringing her many degrees or worst still your money to the table because he did not ask you out because of financial security but someone that will give him a listening ear. Someone that will be there for him to nurture his many wounds from the battles. This is often when you have most eligible high-value men by-passing most...

7 Key Things Men Want In A Relationship That Most Women Don't Know

I agree that every woman out there must not be Cardi B or Angelina Jollie to attract and keep men’s attention. All that is needed is an understanding of men; what they want out of the relationship and then doing your best towards being that woman while still being yourself How to make a guy want you Let’s tell ourselves the truth a greater majority of women go about attracting the man that may be caught their fancy, the wrong way.  Men may be attracted to good looks but a disrespectful, loud-mouthed woman is a big NO! NO! for most men. So don’t think it’s all about your looks, degrees, or career. Men go into serious relationships not because he wants to catch fun but to have peace and stability I am assuming that you are on a quest for a serious relationship as a result of which you are reading this now. Be assured that you won’t be disappointed here. Here are the key issues you should take reconsider so that you will be able to attract the kind of men you want in your life. 1. Co...

Feminist Hypocrisies - the world modern women fought for and the one they want

1. They want to be queen in kingless kingdom 2. They want to be treated equally as men only it favor them but are quick to complain on not being treated right when it doesn't favor them 3. They want fairness in our competitive world but won't complain when they get a FREE PASS at nightclubs and men don't. 4. The don't complain of unfairness and double when companies are compelled to give a certain employment quota solely to women and men none. 5. They are FREE to change their minds and walk out of a relationship without repercussions but a man don't. A visit to the courts will attest to that. 6. It's right for them to seen and taken as a gift but a No! No No! when a man wants to be treated as such. 7. They want an end to "gender roles" but talk of asking a man out, "no that's his job". 8. They want equality and fairness but won't complain when women and children are given priority over men in emergencies. 9. A man who doesn't send...

5 Key Things Women Should Know About Men

  I’ve been married for two years; we dated for three beforehand. It took me a LONG time to figure out — and gosh, it’s so obvious! — that men’s brains are completely different from women’s. Here’s a few examples, and note: I’m not trying to generalize. I speak from experience. Men do not pick up on hints or subtleties.  If you want or need something, speak up frankly. Instead of, “Jane’s boyfriend got her the prettiest blue earrings for her birthday; I wish I had some too,” say, “Babe, for my birthday/our anniversary/the next time you want to spoil me, I want some blue earrings. Here’s a picture of the ones I like.” Your man will be  delighted . There’s nothing unromantic about saying what you want and getting it. Men look for a way to fix things for you.  They are creatures of action. If you don’t want action (i.e., if you just want to vent or grouse or complain), say so up front. This cannot be said often enough. Example: “Honey, I need to vent. Can you just lis...

8 Big Mistakes Women Make With Men That Push Men Away

 1. Trying To Settle Down Too Early : There's this temptation to start planning for marriage in your mind when you meet you meet a good man, finally. Be warned! Such a move can scare the man away because he is most likely to see you as to too desperate and that your sole aim is to trap him into marriage. 2. Comparing Him To Other Men — It's hard to resist the temptation of desiring that he treats you like Mr A or Mr B treats his woman that start wondering why you your man doesn't measure to the way the other does. Please understand that every person is unique in his or her own ways and appreciate him for whom he is. Wanting him to be like that other man  is a quick way to kill off whatever you guys and to push him away. 3. Not Giving Him Enough Space —  Believe it or not the fact remains that men love their space. Anything other than that, makes them feel like they are being held in captivity Once in a while he may want  to hangout with friends or even be alone ...