1. Men are not women I know that this sounds so freaking stupid to even have to say this (are you totally rolling your eyes rn?) but men are not women. They think differently and act differently. Their motivations behind the things that they do are not what you think. The main problem comes in when women expect men to behave/think/act as a woman would. One quick example of this is how women like to talk a lot and this is the main way we bond. This is not how men bond. Men bond with others by doing activities with them. Talking is not really required. So if you're expecting to bond with your man by talking (because that's how you bond with other women), it's going to backfire. Now, of course, you're going to need to actually communicate with any man that you're in a relationship with. But less is more. Save your long-winded, deep philosophical conversations for the females in your life. 2. Men are not great at multitasking. Men are genetically hardwired to...